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Literature | Grammar | Spelling | Vocabulary
7th Grade Language Arts Program

· Houghton Mifflin English, level 7
· Scott Foresman Discoveries in Literature, classic edition
· Loyola Press Vocabulary in Action, Level D
· Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop, Level D


Class site: https://members.tripod.com/~DHoneywell.donna.htm
Worksheets (reinforcement activities)
Extra credit

Student Materials and Routines:

Students will maintain a notebook for Literature. The notebook will contain class notes, study assignments (classwork and homework).

Students will maintain a notebook for Grammar. It will contain class notes, exercises, etc. from class or homework.

Students will maintain a writing portfolio of all creative writing assignments. For 8th grade, the standard is the five-paragraph theme (minimum five sentences per paragraph). Final papers are typed (if possible), double-spaced on unlined paper. Word count 500 per theme. Neatness counts.

Students will complete the vocabulary workbook and practice writing the spelling words each week for homework. We will review answers for workbooks before test each week (Fridays).

Students will be expected to do oral and written reports, homework and library research.


Periodic tests and quizzes cover content of grammar, spelling and literature lessons.

Goal: Grammar tests on Tuesdays, Literature tests on Wednesday, Spelling tests on Fridays.

Quarterly book reports (outside reading = student choice).

Portfolio evaluated quarterly
= collection of quarterly writings (drafts and final) demonstrating continuous effort to improve writing skill.

Notebooks and workbook graded quarterly (organization, content, neatness).

Semester examinations in Grammar, Literature, Spelling (January and June)

Course Overview


Students will be reading in these genres:

1st semester:

Sept-Oct: Fiction (Short Stories)
Nov-Dec: Poetry (and supplementary unit about sonnets)
Jan: William Shakespeare (title undecided)

2nd semester:

Feb: Drama
March: Epic (Ulysses)
Apr: Nonfiction
May: Novel (TBA)

Students will identify the elements of each of these genres, literary terms and devices, as well as read textbook and supplementary selections.

They will practice reading comprehension skills.


1st semester:

Review eight parts of speech
Review basic sentence structure
Review paragraph structure
Review how to write essays (three and five paragraph themes)
Build a portfolio of different types of compositions (such as letter writing, persuasive, descriptive writing)

2nd Semester:

Phrases, clauses, diagramming sentences
Review rules for correct grammar usage and mechanics
Review rules for capitalization and using italics
Review rules for punctuation
Identify common mistakes in usage
Review spelling rules
Identify common mistakes in spelling
Continue building writing portfolio of different types of compositions
Write a formal research paper following a step by step process

Spelling and Vocabulary

1st semester: Complete the 15 lessons in the vocabulary workbook.
2nd semester: Complete the word lists from Vocabulary Workshop.